Browsing Archive December, 2020
3 Biodegradable and plant-based plastics: Are they really sustainable and will they truly replace plastic packaging?

Biodegradable and plant-based plastics: Are they really sustainable and will they truly replace plastic packaging?

According to Packaging Digest, “up to 129 million tons (or 43%) of plastic used per year is disposed of by landfill or incineration, and approximately 10 to 20 million tons of plastic ends up in the ocean.” This plastic, The Guardian explains, is on track to become more prevalent in the sea than fish by the year 2050. ...

0 Gut Microbiome Testing at Your Home

Gut Microbiome Testing at Your Home

In this modern day and age, when ultra-processed foods are on every corner, staying fit and healthy can sometimes seem unattainable. Learning more about your body will enable you to take an active role in improving your health and wellness. But you cannot do that on your own. Instead, you need experts who can guide ...

0 Thryve – Test Your Microbiome

Thryve – Test Your Microbiome

Microbiome testing using the new DNA sequencing technologies doesn’t only sound interesting – it can actually help you learn a lot about your body and your overall health. If you don’t even know about microbiome or how to test it, don’t worry. You're not alone, and we’ve got your back. In simple terms, ...